Techniques Used
- Sorting based on either costA or costB is not going to be enough, we also need to account for the difference between the two costs, and use a metric that can take that into account, and hence we used the difference of two costs as a metric to sort by.
- Once you have sorted in that manner, then we just need to
- pick the first n elements and send those people to city A.
- pick the last n elements and send those people to city B.
- Time Complexity: O(NlogN) - N is the number of elements in the costs array.
- Space Complexity: O(1) No extra space was used.
class Solution {
public int twoCitySchedCost(int[][] costs) {
Arrays.sort(costs, (a, b) -> {
return (a[0] - a[1]) - (b[0] - b[1]);
int total_cost = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < costs.length/2; i++){
total_cost += costs[i][0];
for(int i = costs.length/2; i < costs.length; i++){
total_cost += costs[i][1];
return total_cost;